Tactics to Monetize Your Following in 2019

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Published on
January 9, 2024

You have spent the time to build up a following through various channels, now it's time to start reaping the rewards of that time and patience. In this podcast we discuss a couple of methods to monetize a following. You can listen here:


Influencers are the perfect way to spread the word about a new product or service you are launching. A great tactic with influencers are promo codes that are influencer specific. With an influencers targeted following, this is a great way to monetize your social media strategy. A great example of this is Polar Pro and Peter Mckinnon teaming up to launch a camera lens filter. There is instant credibility on both ends which means huge numbers of orders and profit.

Branded Merchandise

One of the most common strategies to monetize your following is to release branded merchandise. We are seeing this become a more and more popular form of revenue for brands. Maybe you have an attractive logo, a sticker or a hat is a low cost to entry and an easy way to break into another revenue channel for your brand.


Partnering up with a brand that has a larger following that your brand is a good way to not only build credibility but also enhance the amount of followers of your brand. Relationships are always important to have in business and is discussed later in this podcast series. Giveaways with larger brands is a long tail strategy to more sales in the future with a larger audience behind the brand.

For more tips and tricks on how to diminish seasonality, listen to the podcast below.

So sit back, grab a drink and enjoy the podcast!

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